Jessi Wendland, Nancy Witte and Mandy Baldry attended April’s Social Media Breakfast. Beth Gasser, from Vivid Image, was the presenter and spoke about the best and worst of Facebook for business. She started out with her top ten Facebook marketing mistakes. Some mistakes included not using Facebook personally, using a personal profile as a business page and not having a Facebook icon or link on your website for your customers to find your page. The last half of the presentation focused on Facebook features that every fan page administrator should know. She showed us how you can click on the “reply” button directly following a comment, co-host events and how to let Facebook recommend your page.
This month’s presentation was very informative for CB&T’s Facebook administrators. Have you “liked” CB&T’s Facebook page? Go to our home page and click on the “Connect With Us on Facebook” and it will bring you to our FB page.