Citizens Bank & Trust Ag Loans provide farmers with the funds necessary for their business.
Agricultural loans will usually fall into one of three types:
- Operating – This is a short term loan used to finance the input of crops or the purchase of livestock. The term is usually one year or less.
- Intermediate term loan – The term is one to five years and is usually used to finance machinery or equipment.
- Long term loan – Financed by real property, these loans have terms of from five to fifteen years.
Additional financing options are available through FSA Guarantees, RFA Loans, and Farmer Mac.
Citizens Bank & Trust is committed to agriculture in central Minnesota. Our experienced staff makes it possible for us to handle larger lines of credit to meet your expansion or seasonal needs. Additionally, all decisions are made locally, by someone who knows you and your farm.
To speak with a representative about your situation, contact Scott Lang at 320-234-0691 or Ben Beckman at 320-234-0646.