Our Facebook Like-a-thon recipient for February is the McLeod Alliance for Victims of Domestic Violence. They have provided assistance to those affected by domestic violence since 1992. Their services are free and confidential. They provide service for children, men and women in McLeod County. Their mission statement is: To support and promote the elimination of relationship violence through education, empowerment, protection, and advocacy.
Their services include a 24 Hour Crisis Line Support, safety planning, support groups, and much more. From October, 2011 to September 2012, MAVDV, Inc. served 265 victims of domestic violence. 168 of these were new clients, 18 were men and 3 were teens. They also provided legal advocacy to clients 483 times and housed 15 persons in emergency safe housing and provided transportation.
Their 18th annual “Strike Out The Violence” Bowl-a-thon is February 15, 2014. If you are interested in participating, contact McLeod Alliance at (320) 234-7933 and ask for Glynis. If you’d like more information on ways you can give, go to their website at http://www.mcleodalliance.org/.