Citizens Bank and Trust is honored to sponsor 2013 Water Carnival Queen Candidate, Katie Troska.
Katie is attending North Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota, majoring in Radiological Sciences. Upon graduating, she hopes to focus her career on being an X-ray Technician. Katie is the daughter of Jason and Emily Troska.
Water Carnival festivities officially kick-off for the 2013 Miss Hutchinson candidates this evening at Music in the Park when they are introduced at what has become a lively, musical tradition. With festive Red, White & Blue attire, our Queen Candidate Katie will join seven other young ladies in introducing themselves to the Hutchinson Community and then embark on a whirlwind week of events. Led by Commodore Josh Gehlen and Vice-Commodore Steve Kropp, the 2013 Water Carnival events truly have something for everyone. Katie and the other candidates will make many appearances at the various events this week, including the much loved “Teddy Bear Band” concert on Friday at noon at West River Park.
We invite you to check out the dozens of upcoming Water Carnival Events listed on the website, and help us cheer on Katie when she competes in the Miss Hutchinson Pageant on Friday, June 14th at 7:30 pm at the High School Auditorium.
Good luck Katie! We’re proud to be your sponsor.