“When the pandemic was declared, CB was again there to support Aveyron Homes. A CB Loan Officer,
Mandy Baldry, initiated conversation regarding the Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) Loan program. As she
said, she didn’t want Aveyron to miss out on this opportunity to maintain our critical services to community
members. We worked together to determine if Aveyron was eligible, examining PPP guideline updates
that were released on a near daily basis. When it came time to apply, the application process was still
a work-in-progress, and there were many questions to be answered. I vividly remember multiple phone
conversations with Ms. Baldry on a Saturday morning, as we tried to submit our request. CB has historically
closed at noon on Saturdays and it was obvious we weren’t going to get our application submitted by
that time. Quite literally, I was “freaking out”, but Ms. Baldry assured me she would remain at work until
we got the application submitted. Shortly after 2pm that day, she sent in our information, and minutes
later (before either of us had a chance to flee our respective offices!) she shared confirmation that we had
been approved. With her help, I am optimistic that Aveyron will meet the forgiveness criteria for this loan
because she has been diligent about sharing those requirements. Our company, employees, and clients
have directly benefitted from Ms. Baldry’s dedication to her community partners. You have our THANKS.
After 45 years in business, Aveyron continues to do the important work of serving people with disabilities
locally, with much appreciation for the support of another local company, Citizens Bank and Trust Co.”
— Kathy Kalenberg, Executive Director Aveyron Homes